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Episerver Certification Tips from Developers

AJ LaPorte
#Industry Insights, #Episerver, #Code
Published on September 22, 2017

Diagram is proud to have Episerver Certified Developers on our team and we've asked some of them to share their tips for those looking to also pass the Episerver test.

http://www.wearediagram.com/company/people/john-mckillip/weEpiserver, a recognized leader in web content management by Gartner's Magic Quadrant, is a powerful CMS and Commerce platform that is powering over 30,000 websites worldwide. Behind those websites sits a community of over 34,000 developers that create, fix, analyze, and deploy code on a daily basis.

While anyone can develop code on the Episerver platform, those who go through the Episerver Certified Developer (ECD) Testing prove that they can develop Episerver based solutions at their maximum potential. Diagram is proud to have Episerver Certified Developers on our team and we've asked some of them to share their tips for those looking also pass the ECD. Here is what they had to share.

John McKillip:

For me, the biggest thing that helped me prepare for the Episerver CMS exam was getting hands-on with the product. I pulled down a copy of the Alloy site and played with it. I explored all the areas in the UI pretty thoroughly. There were several questions that ask very specific things about the menus and options in the different UI areas. Another thing that really helped was taking the training class. Although I didn't pass the exam I took directly after the class, I passed the next one I took. One of the things I did that really helped me is that I went back through the training materials I got from the class and re-did all the exercises. It really goes back to getting hands-on with Episerver and all its APIs. Reading through the documentation was not enough for me to pass the exam. It really helps to have as much experience as possible actually building Episerver applications.

Steve Stanley:

  1. Make sure to set up a site from scratch in Episerver to get familiar with the software and its configuration.
  2. Make sure to read the documentation and practice using the admin. Focus on creating pages, adding personalization, and scheduling pages.
  3. Download and play with the alloy site (similar to what John referenced above).
  4. Be familiar with Episerver FIND search.

Brad McDavid:

In order to pass your Episerver certification exam, I strongly suggest you study both the admin and user the documentation. They also provide key areas to help guide you in your study. Also, taking the Alloy site for a test drive doesn't hurt. Finally, if you are taking your exam remotely, be sure to have a good quiet place, with a stable internet connection.

You can learn more about Episerver's certification programs by visiting the Episerver Certification area on their site. Do you have any questions on the ECD's? Feel free to ask them in our comments and we'll have one of our certified devs answer back.